Fabric, metal, motor, microcontroller, software / Hights 700 cm, diameter 500 cm
The place where Kunstverein Harburger Bahnhof is located today was once a former waiting room and is situated on tracks 3 & 4 of the Harburg train station. The work Züge (Trains) was developed especially for the exhibition and makes reference to the exhibition site. The specific background noise of trains constantly coming and going serves as the starting point of the work. On a weekday the sound of the passing trains was recorded on a piece of paper for a period of four hours, a notation of the beginning, length and end of the sound. This movement schema was then used and imposed onto a moving object inside the Kunstverein. A circular track was installed on the ceiling, from which a seven-meter curtain hangs. The curtains are pulled by a motor, which was programmed according to the movement of the trains and the intervals between them. The inaccuracy of the empirical perception of movement is here translated into a clearly defined modular pattern, which steers the movement of the curtain. This results in various translations between the visible and audible, event and object.
Is This Where It Ends?, Sunah Choi / Haroon Mirza, Kunstverein Harburger Bhf, Hamburg, 2011

Photos: Michael Pfisterer