Nach Maß
Marble, steel, hemp rope
Variable dimensions
Plate: 140 x 70 x 2 cm, tubes: diameter 2,7 cm, each length: 160 cm, 90 cm, 65 cm, hemp rope: 300 cm
The artist transfers the measurable parameters of her body to a sculptural arrangement. The work Nach Maß (Made to measure) consists of one marble plate and five steel tubes, which are loosely linked with a hemp rope.
The weight of the marble plate corresponds to her body weight and the different lengths of the steel tubes match with the length of her arms, legs and body height.
Expending the Grid, Institut für Kunst- und Bildgeschichte der Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, 2012
einszehn, zweizehn, dreizehn, Kunstverein Friedrichshafen, 2013
Related works:
Sunah Choi, metrisch, 2013
Gemessen, 2013

Installation view, "Expending the Grid", 2012